You have been logged out due to inactivity or a network interruption. Please log in to continue.
You have successfully registered an account. Click here to purchase draw credits, or use the wizard below to schedule your first random draw.
The requested draw's winner publication has been cancelled. No winners are publicly visible. If required, please visit My Draws to reconfigure winner publication.
Demo mode
Test our system with example files for free.
Exit demo mode

Randomly pick winners for your promotion now.

Want to test our system?

Randomly pick winners for your promotion now.

Let's start with the name of your draw and the organisation it's for

Tables in this wizard may be cut off due to narrow screen width. Drag left and right on tables to view more columns.

Please enter a draw name and organisation
You have no credits and payments are disabled while Screen share mode is active. You will not be able to perform a draw.

Disable Screen share mode and purchase draw credits before proceeding.

Now it's time to specify the entries

How would you like to proceed?

In demo mode, you will select an example file instead of uploading your own.

Please enter the number of entries to draw from

Please upload your entries file Standard Advanced


We'll simply draw row numbers for you to match against your list. It is your responsibility to provide an accurate number and to match the results to the correct entries.

Please enter a number from 2 to 20 million
Please enter a number from 2 to 20
Demo draws are limited to 20 entries
Each line / row in your file is one entry.
We recommend removing sensitive data from your uploaded file like email addresses, home addresses, and phone numbers.
Select an example file.
This is NOT a template. These are NOT templates. Your file can contain any columns in any order.
Disabled for demo mode
Uploading file
Checking file
Using zipped file: {{upload.archivedFileName}}
Your file has empty rows. If you continue, they will be ignored. {{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} empty row. If you continue, it rows. If you continue, they will be ignored.

Upload successful!
Your file contains {{confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} rows (excludes empty rows). Your file is valid.

Continue with this option if:
  • your file has a column with the entries/tickets each entrant has, and/or
  • entrants are excluded from winning further prizes after they win once
Otherwise, you can use the standard upload option on the previous page.


txt, csv, tsv, or zip* formats only, maximum 200MB. Do not password protect the file. Please remove any blank rows.

If you would like to use an Excel file, please save it as a CSV before uploading.

New!* You may zip the file, but the unzipped entries file must not exceed 300MB. Multiple txt, csv, or tsv files cannot be present in the zip file.

How do I do this?

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Excel file, and go to File > Save As
  2. When selecting the filename and location, click the "Save as Type" dropdown box and select "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)
  3. Save the file. If you receive any prompts warning you about some features being missing, continue through them
  4. Upload the new CSV file you just saved here
You need to select a file to continue.

1.Is this a header row or entry row?

{{col}} + {{confirmDetails.headerRowColumns.length - 5}} columns

Please let us know if your file contains a header row.

2.How is your file structured?

Please let us know how your entries are listed.
Your uploaded file does not contain any valid entry/ticket count columns. Entry/ticket count should be a single column containing numbers only, with no empty cells.
Your uploaded file must contain at least 2 columns to use this feature.

3.Select the column that contains the entry/ticket count

Scroll for more
Scroll for more
Please select the entry/ticket count column.

3. 4. Can an entrant win more than once?

Please let us know if an entrant can win more than once.
Your uploaded file does not contain any columns that could be used to uniquely identify an entrant. All cells in the column must contain a non-empty value.

4. 5. Select the column that uniquely identifies an entrant

We'll count all rows with matching data in the selected column as belonging to a single entrant.
Scroll for more
Scroll for more
Please select the entrant unique identifier column.
Your file must contain at least 2 entries.

Now let's enter the available prizes

Enter a description (optional) and quantity for each prize. Prizes are listed in the order they will be awarded.
We suggest adding plenty of reserve winners, to be used if any of the drawn winners are invalid.
{{($index + 1) | padNumber:prizes.length}}.
The number of winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}) exceeds the number of entries ({{draw.entryMethod==='simple' ? draw.entryCount : confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount - (draw.headerRow ? 1 : 0) | number}}). You may proceed, but not all winners will be drawn.
The number of winners and reserve winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes + _ViewState.totalReserves | number}}) exceeds the number of entries ({{draw.entryMethod==='simple' ? draw.entryCount : confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount - (draw.headerRow ? 1 : 0) | number}}). You may proceed, but not all reserve winners will be drawn.
The number of winners and reserve winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes + _ViewState.totalReserves | number}}) exceeds the maximum winners allowed (1 million)
The number of winners and reserve winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes + _ViewState.totalReserves | number}}) exceeds the maximum winners allowed in demo mode (10)
You must award at least one prize.
A winner or reserve value is invalid. You must have 1 or more winner for each prize and 0 or more reserves for each prize.

When would you like your draw to take place?

Select the timezone you'd like to appear on your draw certificate.
Enter the date and time you'd like it to occur, and we'll email you when it's complete.
Demo draws cannot be scheduled more than 15 minutes into the future.
Please enter a valid timezone.
Please enter a valid future date and time.

Great, you're already logged in.

Click continue to proceed.
Just confirm that you're logged in to the correct account below and continue.

Email address: {{user.email}}

Not you? Click here to log out.

Are you an agent performing this draw on behalf of a client?

Log in to or sign up for randomdraws.com

If you don't have an account, we'll create one for you. Just enter your email address and choose a password.

An account is required for scheduled draws.
If you don't want to login or create an account, return to the previous step and select "Immediate".

This step is optional for immediate draws.
If you don't want to login or create an account, simply press continue.

If you don't use an account:
 • Your draw will be completed but won't be stored

 • You will have the option to download a tax invoice after payment

reCAPTCHA loading …

Demo draws are not stored even if you are logged in.


How would you like to pay for your random draw?

Pre-purchasing can save you up to 60% on the price of a single draw.
You have {{user.remainingCredits}} draw credits remaining.
Payments are disabled while Screen share mode is active.
Ten 100 draw credits will be added to your account. One will be used for this draw.
You can only purchase credits if you have an account. Please return to the previous step to log in or register.
Credits expire after 2 years unless additional credits are purchased.

Demo draws are free. A draw credit will not be used. Payments are disabled while demo mode is active.

You're almost done! Just confirm your details to proceed.

  Please wait while we process your uploaded file.
An unexpected error has occurred. We have been notified and will be in contact with you shortly to resolve this issue. Alternatively, you can Please contact us for assistance.
Draw name {{draw.name}}
Org. {{draw.organisation}}
Entry method Entry file uploaded (standard) Entry file uploaded (advanced) No upload/file - entry count provided
Entry method Standard upload example file (demo draw) Advanced upload example file (demo draw) Entry count provided (demo draw)
Header row Your file hasdoes not have a header row.
File structure One entrant per row.
Column "{{_ViewState.advancedUpload.columnSelected.name}}" Column {{_ViewState.advancedUpload.columnSelected.idx + 1}} contains entry/ticket counts.
One entry per row
Entrant count {{confirmDetails.entrantCount | number}} entrant{{confirmDetails.entrantCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}} found in {{confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} total row{{(confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount) === 1 ? "" : "s"}} (ignoring {{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} empty row{{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}})
Entry count {{confirmDetails.entryCount | number}}
Entry count {{confirmDetails.rowCount - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} (ignoring {{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} empty row{{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}})
Entry count {{confirmDetails.rowCount - (draw.headerRow ? 1 : 0) - confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} (ignoring {{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount | number}} empty row{{confirmDetails.emptyRowCount === 1 ? "" : "s"}}) {{draw.entryCount | number}}
Multiple wins No. Column "{{_ViewState.advancedUpload.columnSelected.name}}" Column {{_ViewState.advancedUpload.columnSelected.idx + 1}} uniquely identifies each entrant so all their entries can be excluded from winning further prizes. Once a prize is won by an entrant, they are excluded from winning further prizes. Yes. Entrants can win as many prizes as they have entries.
Prize types {{prizes.length | number}} Show prizes Hide prizes
{{prize.quantity | number}}
{{prize.reserves | number}}
Prize winners {{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}
Reserve winners {{_ViewState.totalReserves | number}}
Draw time Immediately {{draw.scheduleDate.format('D MMM YYYY')}} at {{draw.scheduleDate | timeboth}} ({{draw.scheduleDate.tz()}})
Account Not logged in. The draw will be completed but will not be saved. You're logged in as {{user.email}}.
Payment You will be paying $55 for this draw only. You will be pre-purchasing 10 draws for $330 . You will be pre-purchasing 100 draws for $2200 . You will be using one of your draw {{user.remainingCredits | number}} remaining credits. Free demo draw. A draw credit will not be used.
The number of winners you are drawing ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}) is greater than the number of entrants ({{confirmDetails.entrantCount | number}}). As you've indicated each entrant can only win one prize, not all winners will be drawn if you continue past this point. Prizes will be awarded in order of priority until the entries have been exhausted. All entrants will receive a prize.
The total number of winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}) and reserve winners ({{_ViewState.totalReserves | number}}) is greater than the number of entrants ({{confirmDetails.entrantCount | number}}). As you've indicated each entrant can only win one prize, not all reserve winners will be drawn if you continue past this point. Reserve prizes will be awarded in order of priority until the entries have been exhausted. All entrants will receive a prize or a reserve prize.
The number of winners you are drawing ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}) is greater than the number of entries ({{confirmDetails.entryCount | number}}). Not all winners will be drawn if you continue past this point. Prizes will be awarded in order of priority until the entries have been exhausted. Every entry will receive a prize.
The total number of winners ({{_ViewState.totalPrizes | number}}) and reserve winners ({{_ViewState.totalReserves | number}}) is greater than the number of entries ({{confirmDetails.entryCount | number}}). Not all reserve winners will be drawn if you continue past this point. Reserve prizes will be awarded in order of priority until the entries have been exhausted. Every entry will receive a prize or a reserve prize.
Important: The number of winners you are drawing is greater than the number of entrants. Not all winners will be drawn if you continue past this point. Prizes will be awarded in order of priority until the entrants list has been exhausted. All entrants will receive a prize.
If these details are correct, you understand the above statement regarding prizes, and you agree to our terms and conditions, select a payment option. click Submit draw.

You are performing a demo draw.

Demo draws do not generate random results and cannot be used to select winners. If you understand this and you agree to our terms and conditions, click Submit demo draw.

An unexpected error has occurred. We have been notified and will be in contact with you shortly to resolve this issue. Alternatively, you can Please contact us for assistance.
Please return to the schedule step and enter a date and time in the future.
  • Details
  • Method
  • Entries
  • Prizes
  • Schedule
  • Account
  • Purchase
  • Confirm
Screen share mode has been disabled as it cannot be used with Demo mode.
Try the free demo


We understand the importance of security and privacy when dealing with sensitive data. We use secure storage technology to keep your entries and winners data safe and confidential.

Learn more


Trust our system and methodology to give you a random result for each and every draw.

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By using our independent third-party service, you and your sales promotion entrants can take comfort in the fact that the random draw results will be fair, unbiased, and reliable.

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Ensure you comply with local laws when picking winners for your sales promotion.
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Google reviews


  Reviews by customers of randomdraws.co.nz's electronic random prize draw system for sales promotions

  Reviews loading …

  • Use for chance based sales promotions
  • Draw winners now or schedule for later
  • Maintain records for audit purposes
  • Certificate of compliance provided
  • Pay for one draw or pre-purchase to save
  • Trusted by brands, agencies, and law firms
  • Complete draw in under two minutes
  • Optional: Live draw and winner publication

Single draw

  • One draw only
  • Immediate or scheduled draw
  • Up to 20 million entries
  • Optional: Live draw, winner publication, entry checking, custom branding


10 draws

  • Pre-purchase ten draws - save 40%
  • Immediate or scheduled draw
  • Up to 20 million entries
  • Optional: Live draw, winner publication, entry checking, custom branding


100 draws

Best value!
  • Pre-purchase 100 draws - save 60%
  • Immediate or scheduled draw
  • Up to 20 million entries
  • Optional: Live draw, winner publication, entry checking, custom branding


Credits expire after 2 years unless additional credits are purchased.
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