About randomdraws.co.nz

randomdraws.co.nz™ is a cloud based third party service used by marketing firms, digital agencies, bloggers, lawyers, and brands in New Zealand to hold independent draws for sales promotions.

Our draw system and methodology uses the latest technology to pick random winners for your draw in compliance with regulations. This means that you can feel confident that your draw is going to be unbiased and can be trusted by your sales promotion entrants and any potential auditors. You will receive a certificate of compliance with each draw with all draw and approval details.

To add further credibility to the draw, you are able to optionally publish the winners on our hosted URL, or even perform the draw live. You may also consider displaying our approved logo on your promotion page.

Holding a draw is fast and easy, involving only a few simple steps. You can generate your winners immediately or conveniently schedule the draw to occur in the future.

If you register an account with us (optional), we will keep a record of your draw so that you have evidence that the draw was performed appropriately and as intended.

If you are an agency or law firm, randomdraws.co.nz™ is a great way of keeping track of your activity by client. Or if you are a brand running multiple sales promotions over time, you can easily sort your draws by date. We keep any information you provide to us, and the generated winners, confidential and secure.

Our pricing structure is simple. You pay the same fee regardless of how many entries or winners you have. We accept Amex, MasterCard and VISA using Stripe, or you can use PayPal.

Visit our FAQ section for more information about our service and how we can help you with your next random draw.

Or contact us if you would like to talk.

News and updates

Zip file upload for entries

7 Aug 2024

In order to allow larger and faster file uploads (up to 300 MB), we have added support for zip files. The system will automatically extract the file from the uploaded zip file and process it like normal.

Weighted / ticketed draws

3 Apr 2024

You can now conduct a weighted draw (where the entrants have differing numbers of tickets). Up to 20 million entrants and 1 billion tickets are supported. Additionally you can specify where entrants with multiple tickets can win multiple prizes or are restricted to just one win.

Public entry checker - improve draw transparency

2 Apr 2024

Allow your draw's participants to instantly check their entry/participation in the draw. To set up entry checking, click the "Set up entry checking" button in the entry checking section on the draw's detail page. You can set up entry checking before a scheduled draw occurs, or at any time after. Once set up, a link will be provided that you can be share with the public.

Presentation / screen share mode

9 May 2022

You can now turn on "screen share" mode when streaming draws. This allows you to conduct a real time public draw but simultaneously hide private information like draw numbers, entry counts (optionally), certain column values (DOB, address, etc).

Qld gov approval for use with category 4 promotions

17 Feb 2022

Our system has been granted formal approval for use with category 4 promotions:
  • TPAL Electronic Draw System v 1.0
    Approval № 221846
  • TPAL Instant Win System 1.1
    Approval № 221849

API updates

27 Apr 2022

The API has been enhanced to include complete interoperability with the web version. All functions of the web version are now available in the API. For the latest docs, visit randomdraws.com/api/docs. Additionally, the API has two additional database friendly results files available for download to make automated import easier in your app/website.

Publish winners - free & independent

17 Dec 2020

If you have uploaded an entries file, we can publish the winners of your draw. To set up winner publication, click the "Set up link" button in the winner publication section on the draw's detail page. You can set up publication before a scheduled draw occurs, or at any time after. Once set up, a link will be provided that you can share with the public.

Random draw API

8 Apr 2020

We have launched an enterprise grade random draw API that lets you offload entry capture and conduct frequent regular draws, e.g. hourly draws. Additionally it has many additional features, e.g. limiting entry per entrant or per period (hour, day, etc.). More info: randomdraws.com/api

Random draw - new feature - anonymous draws II

17 Dec 2019

If you have privacy or security concerns, you can now conduct truly anonymous draws without even uploading a file. Simply create a ticket/counter for each of your entrants and then conduct a draw with the same number of entrants. Winners can then be cross referenced to your data set.

Random draw - new features

24 Jul 2019

We've rolled out new functionality to make self-management of your random prize/sweepstakes draws easier and more flexible:
  • Draw re-scheduling
  • Cancel draws and get a credit
  • Set draw timezone
  • Dynamic countdown timer

System upgrade: instantwinapi.com throughput

29 May 2019

Our developers have optimised system performance of our Instant Win API - it can now handle 50 transactions / API calls per second.

Compliance with SA regulations - Australia

6 Feb 2019

When running a national competition ensure the prize draw tool you use is pre-approved and registered in South Australia. This is important even when you don't need a permit in SA.

Which file format?

16 Nov 2018

It is easy to parse more modern formats like XLS, ODS, etc, however these create a number of risks/issues:
  • hidden data: rows and columns may be hidden
  • multiple tabs: which tab is the entry data in?
  • display limitations, e.g. Excel currently only allows 1,048,576 rows
For these reasons and more, our system only accepts pure text based formats to ensure that the draws are complete, accurate and transparent.

System upgrade: maximum entries and prizes increased

6 Jul 2018

Our developers have optimised system performance and we now allow up to 20 million entries and 1 million winners for each random draw. No additional cost.

Keeping Records

13 Apr 2018

Did you know that you need to keep records of the draw in order to be compliant? Each jurisdiction has differing requirements, but it is generally appropriate to maintain the draw records (lists of entries, winners, scrutineer sign-off, etc.) for at least 12 months, sometimes 3+ years.

Our system, automatically stores the uploaded entries, winners and other important draw details (time/date, IP address, etc.), as well as generating a certificate.

Anonymous Draws

8 Jan 2018

If you have legal requirements or security concerns, you can conduct an anonymous random draw by removing all personally identifying info from each row. For instance, upload only the row ID numbers or some other unique identifier which you can match with your records after the draw. This means that none of your private data will ever be uploaded or stored.

Instant Win API™ launched

4 Sep 2017

We have recently launched Instant Win API™, www.instantwinapi.com

It is an API that uses a randomised time-based mechanism to ensure your prizes will be distributed smoothly across the promotional period, regardless of how many prizes are available or how many entries you receive. If you want lightning fast winner selection for your next competition/promotion and to save time, development and testing costs, request access now.

Need to do a sweepstakes draw / prize draw at midnight or on a weekend?

28 Jun 2017

No problem 😊 All you need to do is upload the entrants, enter the prizes, quantities and schedule the draw. Our system will perform the draw at the precise time you schedule and will send you a notification email when complete.

Overview of Australian electronic random draw requirements

16 May 2017

Video highlighting that electronic random draws in Australia require the use of an approved system in some states, notably SA and NSW.

Reserve Winners of Prizes

21 Apr 2017

Sometimes the winners of competitions may be invalid (eg invalid contact details or ineligible entrant). Rather than necessitating a re-draw, it is a good idea to draw some "reserve winners" during your initial draw for each of your prizes. That way, if any winner is invalid, you can award the prize to a reserve winner without having to do another draw.

randomdraws.co.nz™ allows you to have up to 10,000 winners from 10 million entries for a flat price.

True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) vs Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs)

24 Feb 2017

TRNGs use an unpredictable physical means to generate random numbers, e.g. measuring the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum, atmospheric noise, etc.

PRNGs use mathematical algorithms to generate random numbers, i.e. they are computer generated.

Our RNG and RSG (random sequence generators) can optionally tap into one of two quantum number generators and utilise quantum based true random seeds. Our fallback is the cryptographically secure MSCryptoAPI.

Image: Schrodinger's Equation - you may have heard about his cat :)

Two new free tools now live:

10 Nov 2016

(1) Random sequence generator (RSG)

(2) Random number generator (RNG)

Options for: uniqueness, grouping duplicates, quantum true random seed and ordering

www.randomdraws.com™ has been featured in Lawyers Weekly

2 Sep 2016

Lawyers Weekly is the authoritative source of independent news, analysis and opinion about the practice of law in Australia.


www.randomdraws.com™ featured in Radio Info

11 Aug 2016

We have recently been featured in Radio Info​, a leading website for radio industry broadcast professionals.


Government approval / certification

5 Aug 2016

The www.randomdraws.com™ electronic random draw system has been reviewed and certified by the government of South Australia. This certification makes it compliant for all electronic random draws in Australia.